Lunes, Disyembre 14, 2015

Choosing The Right Materials For Your Workshop: Wood And Its Properties

As there is a specific tool for a specific job, there is a specific material for a specific project. To make sure that your project will be completely worth the while, it is an important skill to be able to determine which material will be most suited for what object. There are various materials to choose from. A material has its own characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. Let us take some time to understand one of the most common material used in projects—the wood.

Wood is a material that is easy to manipulate, shape, and resize. Power tools like Milwaukee 18v will have its easy way on this material. It is cheap and flexible for any projects. Wood is also easy to replace and maintain. This makes wood a very popular material for construction. It is also used for making musical instruments, boats, furniture, and sculptures. But for us to fully understand this material and what projects would be fitting for wood, let’s get to know this material more by analyzing its properties.

Physical Properties -- Wood is a tough material. It may be not as strong as steel, but it is more flexible and lighter. Wood is also resistant to squeezing. And unlike plastic, it is difficult to stretch wood out.

Thermal Properties – Unlike other materials, wood does not change in size and volume when temperature seizes. Wood does not expand when expose to heat. On the contrary, it dries out and gains strength.

Acoustic Properties – The lightness of wood makes it an ideal material for musical instruments and concert halls. It reduces echo and absorbs sounds.

Aesthetic Properties – Wood is a highly decorative material. And depending on the tree from where it will be taken from, it can vary in color, design, and smell. The design can be changed depending on how the wood is sliced. It can even be painted and varnished.

Environmental Properties – Since wood is taken from trees, it is a sustainable material. Trees taken down for wood can be replaced by growing new trees. Also, wood can easily be disposed through the natural process of decomposition. Variation – There are more than 5000 kinds of wood in the world. This variety will offer different options for different kinds of projects.

- Because wood is a natural material, it is also vulnerable to natural conditions.
- Exposing wood to moisture may cause fungi and mold to grow on it.
- Most wood is vulnerable to termites and insects.
- Wood can easily catch fire.

There are several steps on how to strengthen wood and fight these disadvantages. For instance, to prevent termites and fungi from growing on the surface of the wood, the wood can be treated with chemicals or painted. Coating the wood will also strengthen its resistance to weather conditions.

Knowing the properties of your materials and their characteristic will help you decide on how you can utilize it and maximize its potential. So before you start up those Milwaukee 18v and work up a new project, make sure to have a clear visual of the materials that you will be using to save you from possible problems that you might encounter.

Lunes, Oktubre 26, 2015

Tool Foundation: Stone Age Tools that have Shaped the Future

The modern days will indeed be nothing without the tools that have undeniably enhanced our way of living. Imagine fishing and farming if our forefathers haven’t invented the fishing pole or the watering can. Imagine the fatigue that we will get from manual labor without the help of these tools. Imagine if there are no hammers, scissors, or a simple garden spade. That’s right; it’s just a lot easier with these tools around.

Tools are what make our work easier. In the field of engineering, tools are basis for creating machines. Computers, considered as some of the most advance tools of our times, are slowly taking over the tasks that are assigned to laborers. Replacing laborers with computers greatly cuts the production cost and increases the productivity of most companies. In the field of woodwork and construction, having power tools like the Milwaukee M18 Fuel Tools makes sawing wood, punching nails, and polishing surfaces a cake walk.

But before there were these power tools, our ancestors back in the days have their own set of tools. These tools are the foundation of the designs that we have right now. The archeologist had a hard time unearthing these tools that had been buried for centuries in the rubbles but recovering these tools will somehow give us a glimpse on how life was back then and how life has evolved compared to our lifestyle today. Here are just some of these tools:

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Tracing back in the early Stone Age, historians claim that the handaxe had been used for the longest period of time. It’s commonly composed of flint or stone flake. It has a pointed end and rounded base which almost make it looks like an almond. It is said that it is created by striking small chip cores of rocks with bigger chip cores of rocks to make it sharp. A handaxe is often used to butcher or cut meat from hunted or scavenged animals, for digging, chopping wood and removing tree bark, and even as a weapon by throwing it at a prey.

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Now this is something from the Middle Stone Age. Awls are long, pointed spikes that usually used for piercing materials like leather or wood much like a needle in our modern time. Awls are often made from bone. Awls were later on use as a tip for spears which are used for hunting, fishing, and reaching fruits on top of trees.

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A scraper is a stone flake that is used for making hide and wooden planes. It is used to remove the fur and fat from the skin of the animal. It also use in scraping rough edges of a wood. It is fascinating to know that these tools were foundation of the tools that we are using right now. Humanity has gone a long way. These are just evidences that the craftiness and creativity of the human mind knows no limit when it comes to adapting to the environment in order to survive.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 1, 2015

Building a Tree House, Building a Stronger Family Relationship

Building a strong family relationship is not an easy task and not everyone succeeds on the attempts to strengthen it. It also gets a little more difficult especially when there are kids involved. Our modern times have brought us modern family difficulties. Hearing about a broken family, single parenting, or a family with divorced parents has become a common thing. The economy almost demands both parents to work to sustain financial stability which might also mean that the parents will spend most time away from home, away from their children.

A tree house for most kids is the ultimate fantasy –a fortress wherein they can be free and where they can establish a territory that is completely their own. Natural and man-made fuses and creates a fantasy land where children’s imagination to run wild. While this might sound rebellious and dangerous for some parents, building a tree house is actually an excellent family project to bond and build strong family relationship to. It will not just promote cooperation in the family but it will also bring out the creativity of the whole family.

Before we go to the exhausting but fun part, there are still things we need to settle before building the ultimate tree house. And here is where the planning phase will take. Planning the whole activity will save you more time, money and resources. Also, you will be able to visualize how you want your family tree house to look like and what safety measures should be implemented. Here are some things you need to consider on carrying out your tree house project:

Location – It will be impossible to build a tree house without an actual tree, of course. But it will be wise to keep the location of the project within your property to avoid conflict with other people. You might also want to check here on selecting the perfect tree for your preferences.

Design – How do you picture your tree house? Bear in mind that the bigger the project, the longer it will take for it to finish. You might also want to think on what activities do you plan to do on this tree house once it is finished. Will you have enough room? Having an actual design will help you estimate on the resources and the budget you will need to carry out the project. You might want to buy a book or consult an expert on this matter.

Material – In general, materials for tree houses since there are elevated should be light but sturdy. It is the actual cost of the materials without compromising the quality for safety.

Tools – It is also important to have the perfect tools for this project. For instance, Milwaukee M18, Milwaukee power tools, and Milwaukee fuel tools are ideal tools to help you out on building your tree house. (See: UnitedTools Clayton)

Schedule of the family – since the main goal of the whole project is to have quality time with the family, it will really be important to have it planned out and which part of the project each member can help with.

Never let the modern times get the most of us. Involve your whole family into fun but productive activities.

Huwebes, Hunyo 18, 2015

A Piece of Wood Doesn’t Always Stay as a Piece of Wood

Trees provide mankind everything it could. Starting from its top branch and bushy leaves that gives shade, fruits that could be eaten, the oxygen people breathe, and its roots that sip the excess water when heavy rains came. Trees can also give its self in exchange of the pieces of wood—pieces of wood that could be transformed into creative and useful things for man. Trees have been doing all these for as long as they’ve been here.

Woodworkers, with their Milwaukee power tools, are able to make products and furniture unimaginably done from the pieces of wood cut from trees. Wood crafts that vary from simple four-sided center table, to more intricately designed wall decors and shelves, and to a fully functioning automobile.

They were able to make wooden furniture that lasts for a long time. Wooden furniture is known of its durability that endures through family generations. Tables and chairs made from wood are also easy to clean, wherein regular swabbing may keep it looking good for a long period of time. Wooden furniture can easily blend with the other furnishings inside the house because of its earthy tone. In addition, using wood as a material in furniture and house construction help lower heart rate and reduces stress.

Aside from using wood as a material in furniture making, amazing hands of woodworkers can also make cute toys from it. Using Milwaukee power tools, it is easier for them to cut pieces of wood into small pieces that will be used as toy parts. Making toys out from wood benefits the children’s imagination and thinking skills. Wooden toys which are not automatic and as appealing as plastic toys may look let the children think as they play. They don’t also have toxic materials that children may acquire through contact. Wooden toys vary from the different animals, vehicles, princess’ tea set, fruit slices, kitchen tools, and cars.

But a Hungarian man, Istvan Puskas, actually made a wooden care. He developed a fully functioning automobile made out of wood. There are only two things that were not made from wood in his car: the car engine that comes from a Fiat 126 and the steering wheel that came from an old Mercedes Benz. He used an old beer barrel as the fuel tank, and the frame, gears and axles are made from timber. He has built the wooden car in four months to keep him busy during winter season. Although the car can’t be registered, the police allow him to use the car in his village. He also made a three-wheeled motorcycle and bicycle all from wood as well. His motorcycle is constructed mainly from pine with horns of Grey Hungarian cattle as handle bars.

These creations, from the simple yet durable home furniture, to the cute and non-toxic wooden toys for children, and to the fully-functioning automobile and motorcycle, proves that a piece of wood cut from trees would not stay as a simple piece of wood forever. Wood crafts extend and preserve the beauty and value of trees even inside the household.